Friday, February 2, 2007

Music industry dances to the digital beat.....finally.

(note: I was under the impression that our blog posts were supposed to be based more on our personal opinions, kind of. So I went with my gut on this one and if it wasn't quite right let me know!)

"All is peaceful once more on the music industry front as the recent Midem trade show indicates that music labels have gone back from whining and causing a din about illegal downloads, to wining and dining on the French Riviera."

After eight years record companies have finally made their final transition into the digital age, and it's about time. I was really happy when I found this article, because although I know that music "piracy" is a bad thing, I thought it was really lame when the music industry got all crazy about pirated music and started suing twelve year olds (see "Twelve Year Old Sued For Illegal Music Downloading). Music is a really big part of my everyday life and I have a lot of respect for artists that make music for the people and not for the money. In essence, I feel like the beginning of the illegal downloading years was really just the consumer wanting something different and illegally downloading music was their way of expressing that to the “music industry man.” If record companies chose to take advantage of modern technology, I'm sure the will find that it will be a better way to connect with their fans and the happier artists make the consumer the happier the consumer will make them.

According to IFPI chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) John Kennedy, "revenues in 2006 doubled to about US$2bil," and by 2010 they're expecting "at least one quarter of all music sales worldwide to be digital." Making music isn't about record sales anymore and I think that most musicians out there are ok with that, especially because they're still making ridiculous amounts of money.

Twelve Year old Sued For Illegal Music Downloading:,2933,96797,00.html


Christine said...

The techcentral article was pretty good. Even though I've voiced my opinion about illegal downloads (huh, Joseph :) _ this article gave great insight into the dilemmas and potential outcomes for consumers and artists alike. It is a rapidly changing industry, and consumers are not buying the traditional CD, but rather buying digital downloads based on their need or want, without the added expense with buying the entire album. I still think it's illegal (as the law states), and instead of calling it "pirating," the industry is changing that name to "consumer request." Oh, well, I guess I lose on this battlefront.

Brianna K. said...

I totally agree that it's nice to hear something other than the usual vicitmized pouting. It seems that like you say, the people were finally heard and the industry caught up. I wish that art in our society wasn't always so leaglistic. I can totally appreciate the rights and priviledges of the artists, what create is how they eat. But it seems like all the music is tarnished by the contracts and paperwork. Hopefully the industry will recognize in the future that if you don't give the people what they want they find a way to get it from you.