Sunday, February 4, 2007

Video -On-Demand (VOD)

In Chapter 10 the author talks about video-on-demand which is being able to watch movies at your leisure as long as you signed up with your cable company for it, so of course it is not free by any means. Having VOD is going to bring in a lot of revenue for the television companies. For more people are signing up with being able to have VOD. I feel as though it is a great invention that you are able to watch a new movie by a click of a button. The movies are limited but there are a lot of them. I have noticed the movies on VOD have a wide selection from movies a few years ago to recent ones. That now if your movie store like Blockbuster is out of the movie you want it would be smart to check your VOD.

VOD is changing the television industry by having more options for customers. They are and will continue to make a lot more money by having more to offer. Along with being able to buy a movie on the television you are able to pause and rewind the movie ext. Now that is pretty cool if you ask me. It's just like you rented a movie. Also when you get a movie on the television I believe you "get" the movie for 24 hours, so you are able to watch the movie as many times as you would like and many people can watch it.

VOD is coming a long way but so are even newer options. How about TVOO. (Not sure how it is spelled) TVOO was pretty popular for the past couple of years as well but you did have to buy the device first and I am not exactly positive how the whole paying situation went. I think the most recent option on the television part is "My DVR" which you are able to select different shows and movies off the television that you want to record. You then are able to watch the shows at any time and like the VOD you can stop, rewind, pause ext.

Overall the television companies are coming out with new things all the time and with having VOD and now "My DVR" the companies are making a great deal of money.

1 comment:

mhoang said...

I think VOD is a very nice new invention. It lets us enjoy a movie without having to leave our house. How often do we feel like watching a movie but don't feel like driving to the video store to pick one up. It is a big money maker for the film industry. Products like TiVo or comcast boxes allows the film industry to make money off busy people who can't find time to make it to the movies or the movie store but can select a movie pause/stop whens something comes up. Brilliant. =P