Sunday, February 4, 2007

VOD and the TV Industry

Video on demand will effect the TV industry greatly. Its was slow to catch on when it first came out but it programs have changed to make it easier to access. Products like TiVo or Comcast boxes allows the viewers to record TV shows when they are away so they could watch it at a more convenient time. With those products they are allowed to fast forward parts that they don’t want to watch and re-watch parts that they enjoyed. It also allows people to purchase movies to watch when they are bored. I believe this products will make money for the television industry because they are allowed to tape one show and watch another. The TV industry will be getting viewers that weren’t able to fit TV into their schedule before.
The downside to VOD is that TV channels could possible lose money in the long run from commercials because people are no longer forced to watch them while waiting for there show to come back on. It also effects the movie rentals places like Blockbuster or Hollywood videos now that there is the option to rent from home people aren’t required to come drive to rent movies. No more late fees.
Once it becomes a more popular trend to have VOD in every cable box installed. I think cable companies or TiVo will raise there monthly fee to access it because there is now a demand. It causes people to spend more money for television. Money that is probably better spent elsewhere.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I totally agree when you say "money is spent better elsewhere." It's bad enough that we spend so much time already staring at a television screen that we're going to pay more to record that "unmissable" show and take the time to watch it later. Soon we won't have to get off the couch at all because everything will be at our fingertips.