Monday, February 12, 2007

"I thought it would be pretentious to sort of write about myself as having participating in the destruction of the American political landscape"

I was listening to "On The Media" and I found this story. I am, to be frank, pleased with the fact that Fox News has been losing ground. I have found them to be crass, dishonest and chilling in their style of "news."

"You aim for a very broad segment of the populace – say, you know, middle-class conservatives or middle-American conservatives, and you do two things. You show them that their way of life is being threatened and then you give them somebody who they can blame for their way of life being threatened.

You know, so you fill their news with terrible and threatening news, and then you, in the same broadcast, do something like show a lot of pictures of gay people getting married on the steps of the Massachusetts State House. And then in the end, it becomes sort of a team-building exercise where people tune into that radio station not so much to hear that news but to hear other people like themselves tuned in so that they can feel like they're part of something, like part of a group."

So, while the creepy Fox propoganda machine is losing ground, (it's still number one,) it's losing ground to people playing the same crass game.


Heather P said...

I do agree with you. I think all news stations twist the truth or give leads or better yet they give their two sense that seem to viewers like they are facts but they really are not. There is a lot of assumptions when watching the news especially Fox news. They tend to go beyond the story line a little bit but again I think all stations do this. I mean there has to be a way they get viewers and by standing out helps the stations. Even if it is negative. That some people enjoy watching stations that streach the truth just for fun so not only does the station get viewers that like the news but they also get ones that don't.

Livia J said...

Right on. I have a serious problem with talk shows presented as news programs. They are basically one person's interpretation of the day's events. Sometimes they go so far as to present the "opposing" side, but mostly do not let them speak their minds. Usually, they talk over their guests and as far from "fair and balanced" as one can be...

SJWadsworth said...

Talk shows are tricky and I try and just view them as a few people sitting around discussing different facts... just like my friends and I do sitting around chatting about life and our events that happend throughout the day. I guess I tune in if I want to know whats going on outside my world and just look at it as someone's own perspective in the world they live in. If I want serious facts, I will have to search them out on my own, but then again it is always someone's else's ideas put together.