Saturday, February 17, 2007

Shield Laws

Speaking of reporter’s shield law…

The house has now passed a bill that would protect journalists from facing prison for not revealing confidential sources. The bill would grant absolute privilege for protecting confidential sources. "It is really important in a democratic society that we have a free press, that we as citizens know what is going on in our society, that the people in power who have an interest in keeping information from us shouldn't be allowed to bury that information," said House Majority Leader Lynn Kessler, D-Hoquiam, who sponsored the measure.

This is what we have been discussing. Maybe we are getting closer to the shield laws not being so undefined. It did state that under it’s provisions the court could force the discloser of information under circumstances. These circumstances seem to be what the class agreed on the discussion board, that when it is necessary in a criminal or civil case and the material cannot be obtained else where. It also said that the law would provide a more limited privilege on materials such as unpublished notes and tapes.

A point that was made, was that sources are more likely to come forward if they know that their identities will be protected, and this is essential. Our society relies on journalists for a lot of information and news that is important for the public to know. They and their sources need to have protection!

It’s now headed to the Senate… so we’ll have to wait and see where it goes from there.

1 comment:

Moalim said...

I read this article and it sounds that it is the time to define the reporters’ protection laws. It is good for the reporters and their sources that finally they will be protected. There will be more sources that willingly to come forward to tell a hidden story that otherwise would not be obtained. "It's a good public policy to protect reporters' confidential sources and work product," said Attorney General Rob McKenna. Hopefully the senate will pass it too.