Tuesday, February 13, 2007

How much is a Planet worth?


Richard Branson and Al Gore join forces to try to save our planet. Their approach is not new, but I think it is definitely worth mention: they have posted a reward of $25 Million to anyone who can solve the problem of global warming.

I welcome this idea. First of all, rich people are trying to do something constructive with their money. Secondly, someone uses all the people of the Earth as a resource. This story reminded me of the NPR story we listened to through this class about “Wikinomics”. How wonderful, that a) someone comes out and calls it as it is: global warming is happening and b) offers a reward for a good idea.

I could not imagine a better use for the Internet than to try to solve the World’s problems with it. Why stop there? I'm sure if we started a think-tank of ideas to the most pressing problems around, like trying to irrigate certain parts of Africa, great suggestions may come from the most unlikely places.

I wish the Internet and mass media in general was used more often like this. Information sharing could finally amount to something useful, something tangible. Although I feel $25 Million is somehow not quite enough reward for saving a planet…


Christine said...

When I heard about this story, I was actually quite impressed that someone would be willing to put up their own money, and 25m at that! I'm sure this reward will stir many researchers in the field, and inspire budding scientists to look more closely at the issue at hand. We all play a part, I'm sure, but I believe the reward was more centered towards those that are more closely related to the scientific aspect of it. Pretty impressed, either way.

Heather P said...

I didn't hear about the reward at all. Wow 25 million dollors. I agree I guess that is not that much money for someone to figure out what is going on with our plant. The only problem with this award I think may be to many people acting like they know what the problem is and how to fix it. That there will be a lot of fakes out there.
I guess you have to take that chance right and sometimes having money behind it might make the results come faster then expected.

Essex said...

I think that it's great that they came together and did this. Al Gore just won't give up on this global warming business which means a lot. I do think that there are scientists out there that know what to do, I just think that they're kind of being told (by the governemnt) to keep it on the down low... I was reading an article about it the other day.. I'm going to try and find it.. :) If that is the case then maybe this 25 milliion dollar incentive will get them to open up a bit.. I sure would.

Anonymous said...

This was the first I heard of this reward and I'm on it! It's true the concept is reflective of the wikinomic segment we listened to and is a positive way to use the connectivity of the internet. I appreciated how the reporter pointed out that perhaps why we are in this climate situation may have to do with the lifestyles we choose, multiple houses, cars and the luxuries.

Nicole said...

This is a great way to inspire people to actually think! It is so much like the Wikinomics story that we heard, they will have so many people, with different backgrounds, different opinions, and different ways of thinking, they are bound to come up with some really great ideas! Although they will have to decipher through the money seekers that don't actually know what they are talking about, it would definatly be worth it in the end.