Saturday, February 17, 2007

hottest January ever!

Climate change or global warming is a serious challenge and a threat that we are encountering to day. It has been on the focus of political debate recently. The political debate did not create any significant point for the world against the global warming; because each and every one of them has their own interest.
The affect of the global warming is obvious and have been noticed around the world, increasingly serious sign are developing. According to the U.S scientist, January 2007 was the hottest January ever. It broke all the records they had since they started the temperature record keeping in 1880. The increase was 3.4 degree Fahrenheit warmer than a normal January.
“That is pretty unusual for a record to be broken by that much” said David Easterling, the data center’s scientific service chief “I was surprised”.
In order to prevent a major problem to the health and the economy of this and the future generation, there must be taken an appropriate action towards this progressing mater of global warming issue.
“From one standpoint is not unusual to have a new record” said Jay Lawrimore, climate monitoring branch chief. Bur January, he said, was a bigger jump than the world has seen in about 10 years.
Scientist and the environmentalist cried out loud to solve the problem which seems to be a man-made.
The major factor that contributes to the climate change is the burning of the fossil-fuel, and carbon dioxide releasing gases. If we could eliminate the use of those, and turn towards a renewable energy for our electricity, reduce the dependency on oil, increase of the use of an environmental friendly energy, we would create a saver environment for us and our future generations.


Christine said...

I think most people now are aware of the problem, and are beginning to take it rather seriously. As more federal money is allocated to renewable energy research, I think we'll begin to see a change in how we live, overall. Many states use wind, solar, and other resources, and are seeing vast improvements in their environment. California is a big one to help clean up the environment. One of the incentives is being able to use HOV lanes if you have a hybrid or other environmetally sound car. Cutting some people's commute time in half. Tax breaks are a good incentive as well. I do think a stronger push needs to be felt by the public at large - not enough are doing their share to help with the problem. I do think that within ten-fifteen years, it will be much better, however.

Heather P said...

I do not know to much about global warming. Yes I have heard of it and know some but not a lot. I found it very interesting how January 2007 was 3.4 degrees warmer. Wow! I would have never gussed due to all the snow days we had. I wonder how they figure the degree out and by this I mean is it the overall high for the day? I guess if it is then maybe it was warm but the nights in January were very cold I thought.

I have also heard talk about Washington over the next few years will probably get weather like California. I don't know if it's true but I wouldn't mind having more heat here for I really like the sun.