Friday, February 2, 2007

Hollywood Producers

While producers are the deal makers, without their oversight during the entire process of making a film, most films simply would not make it to theatres. The producer first must sell an idea to investors to insure financing throughout the process. This requires an understanding of what the story is and how it will translate into film. It's the producer who acquires the actors that will increase the chance of a film's commercial viability. Along with bringing together the behind the camera crews, the producer makes the most vital creative decision in finding the right director. The producer is responsible for the daunting task of organizing the logistics of shooting a film. Although the director has much creative freedom, it is the producer who will make the final call to keep the film on task. In post production, which includes editing and scoring the film, the producer makes sure the film retains its commercial value. In this way the producer has a vital role to play in the creative process of making films. All these skills show that the producer must have an in-depth understanding of all aspects of the film making process. Making the statement that producers don't make films, they make deals, implies that they are only in the business of transferring money back and forth. While it's true that making movies in Hollywood, for the most part, is just about making money, without the producer's hands-on involvement in the process, Hollywood films, as we know them, could not be made.


Christine said...

The producers do play an active role with the diversities of film making. But, as I learned in my American Cinema class, the director is just as vital, if not more, in the creation, and production of the film. It's an interesting relationship that director and producers have. A film can achieve success without a producer, as long as the director wears that hat as well. Many times the producer will defer to the director for final decisions. It depends upon who the director is, however. Greats such as Speilberg, have a tremondous amount of control from start to finish.

Livia J said...

I don't believe movies can be made without producers. Sometimes producers are also directors or actors in a project, but it is one role that cannot be overlooked or ejected. Without a producer - even if the director wears that hat also - there is simply no money. So, yes, it is true that producers are dealmakers, but they are also the final word in creativity, due to their vital role in establishing funding.

I have always been surprised why most successful actors decide to try their hands in producing. (Some do become directors, but mostly they have productions companies.) Their usual response is the lure of having "more creative freedom". After taking the American Cinema class and reading about the producers' role in the Dominick book, I think I now understand. The "buck stops there", the producer is the final authority in the making of a film.

Heather P said...

I think the producers play a huge role in making a film come successful or not. Yes they do deal with the money issues and all but like you stated in your post they do so much more then that. They have a wonderful sense of how the movie will look to other people and what will survive or not survive in Hollywood. Also like you stated they have to have a lot of knowledge on the aspects of filming. It's not an easy job at all. They have a lot at stake.
If there were no producers it would be a complete mess in movie making. Who would have the final word and why would that person get the final word. So I think people should appreciate producers for they do a lot more then we think.

Melissa said...

A film can only be a real success if the producer is behind it. When an actor or actress is cast, they sign a contract and do their job to the best of their ability. Many times, the producer has his or her finaces, reputation and name stamped on the movie; this all amounts to a lot of effort that they've invested into it. The story line can only be so good and every team needs a leader. Producers work out deals to make their movie the best it can possibly be.