Sunday, March 4, 2007

watch your mouth

MSNBC reported that conservative columnist Ann Coulter used a deogatory slur at the American Conservative Union’s Political Action Conference on friday. She called presidential hopeful John Edwards a "faggot." Both democrats and republicans alike have spoken out against her use of language in her speech, and Edwards has started a campaign to raise $100,000 to "fight back against the politics of bigotry."

Clearly, one person's opinion has gathered far too much weight and media attention since word spreads so fast these days via the internet. Not only should it not have ever been said, it also should not have made the news, for that only intensifies the effect which politicians supposedly wanted to downplay. For Edwards to capitalize makes me question him as well. Not his sexuality, honestly, who cares? But I question his integrity for using something that should have just made the reporter look like a jerk to make a profit for himself. Why does this reporter have so much weight that candidates find themselves in a tizzy over her comments? Shouldn't a wise politician (especially a liberal one) just say, "Well, I'm not gay (or, I am gay), but my sexuality has nothing to do with the platform of my running for President."

link to article:


Brianna K. said...

Could someone get a muzzle or a husband for this woman? Could you imagine being married to her, talk about not being able to take someone in public. The first time I read about Ann it was for her comments of the 9/11 wives, something to the effect of they seemed to be enjoying the celebrity status their husbands deaths brought them. Whenever I see her name in the media I just wait for whatever jewel to drop from her overeducated lips and just enjoy the backlash. It seems that if the Republican party really had such a strong position against her opinion then they wouldn't invite her speak at their dinners. But the way I see it Ann is a beacon for the party, she radiates their smallest and pettiest thoughts on a national scale, and is a built in scape-goat all at the same time. Could you imagine a Ann Coulter Barbie, those preteens and tweens need a new role model now that Britney has gone bonkers.....

Melissa said...

First of all I thought you were saying John Edwards is starting a campaign to fight against bigotry, so how is that capitalizing? I am actually quite confused on the conclusion you have drawn from the said event. I would instead question the integrity of the people who ignore a comment like that. Even though I believe highly in free speech as a person with a large audience like A.Coulter there should be some feeling of responsibility to the people listening.

Joseph Baruch said...

In the realm of modern presidential politics, it's hardly cynical to capitalize on something so glaring and personal as that Coulter attack. She is iconic, able to provide the kind of political pornography to keep herself in the spotlight and within many circles (where was she speaking again?) very powerful. If she says something so hateful, it's a pretty big deal,and if it forces the Edwards camp to focus on fighting biggotry, shifting his platform, I'm hardly going to oppose that.
Also, Brianna, leave poor Britney alone. If she pulls through this thing, she'll be a better role model than she's ever been.
that was ironic
not an attack.
this post was fun.