Wednesday, March 7, 2007

R.I.P. Captain America

After 66 years, Captain America was shot dead by a sniper in his last comic which was released today. Many in the comic book community are mourning the loss of America's beloved superhero.

Captain America was first introduced in 1941 as a patriotic adversary for Adolf Hitler. His Alter ego, Steve Rogers, enlisted in the army only to be rejected because of his physical infirmities. Later Roger's take part in an experiment and is injected with "super soldier serum" created by General Chester Phillips which eventually makes him incredibly strong and powerful.

I wrote about this today because I never thought the death of a superhero would e such a big deal. I love superheros, especially x-men, but I never saw myself becoming sad when one of them "died." Although, superheros never really die, their alter ego dies and someone else could potentially take over. Which is was happened in 1993 when Superman died.

Regardless, when I was surfing the web this morning for stories I found something about the death of Captain America on almost every page. Some of the headlines read; "Captain America shot, killed" "Captain America Dead at 66," and "Captain America Dead: National Hero Since 1941."

I don't know about anyone else, but I got the feeling that he was a real person when I read those headlines. Although, some weren't as serious; "Captain America Dead: Movie Still in Development." Nice. Way to acknowledge our national superhero! :)


Riely said...

As my husband aptly pointed out, it is a comic if they changed their minds, they can always find a way to bring him back. The magic of cartoons! Just spin the world counter-clockwise for 348.6 seconds, unfreeze his body, and inject him with this magic potion, and VOILA!

Joseph Baruch said...

I would like to point out the discussion on the Stranger's site. I think that the meandering bickering about the validity of the story as news, the cruelty of the spoiler, the ridiculousness of the debate... etc. is pretty telling.