Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hello all

well i am really having a chance to increasingly interact with the world through this computer. and i can't decide how i feel about it yet. i must say that the whole "being able to touch the world" idea is pretty cool. did anyone hear the article on NPR last night about congressional imperialism? there was a part of the report that addressed net neutrality. very interesting if you can catch it http://www.kuow.org/programs/kuow_presents.asp it currently isn't on the archival list but maybe by the end of the week?


Livia J said...

I didn't hear the NPR piece, but I am very interested in the whole idea of Net Neutrality. While a part of me thinks that it should be ok to let everyone make money any way they can - if there is a demand for better, "first class" internet from the big corporations point of view, then why not - while another side of me thinks this is just another way for big corporations to exploit the little ones.

Brianna K. said...

i guess i worry that it is a way for big business to smother small companies. i also think this is an easy way for independent sites and blogs to be less accesible and have yet another forum where the guy with the most money is heard the loudest.

Livia J said...

One defense that has been raised for Net Neutrality is that search engines such as Google and Yahoo are already using a type of favoritism. Whenever a search is conducted, the sites that show up at the top of the page and on the right side bar are not there by accident. They have paid to be there. So, when searching, people already are not given the same chance. Personally, I would not like to see Net Neutrality go into effect. However, I'm worried that with this much money at stake, this "freight train" may be unstoppable.